Bar-B-Q Recipes Grill Beef

How to Grill Hamburgers

Hamburgers are perhaps the most common food we cook on the grill. Grilling a burger is more than just tossing a frozen patty on the grate over an open flame, however. Sure, this method works, and produces an acceptable result, but learning how to grill hamburgers that are truly great takes a bit more effort.

Preparing to Grill a Great Hamburger

Mastering the art of how to grill hamburgers starts with selecting great beef. This does not mean that you need to run out to the finest butcher shop and purchase the most expensive ground sirloin or round, but it does mean that you need to understand what makes one type of ground beef different from another. Lean ground beef does not have enough fat content to produce a juicy burger, but if your beef is too fatty it will take on an unpleasant greasiness that seeps into everything and makes a soggy bun.

It is generally recommended that you use ground beef that has about an 80% to 20% lean to fat ratio. If you are purchasing your beef pre-ground, ground chuck works fine for hamburgers. To upgrade the flavor of your burger, purchase some fattier ground chuck and blend it with a more flavorful ground sirloin. Perhaps the most ideal way to achieve great beef for your burger  would be to grind it yourself. For do-it-yourself grinding, use a 3 – 2 – 1 ratio of chuck, sirloin, and short rib meat. This will produce both an ideal beefy flavor and the right amount fat, creating the perfect texture.

How to Grill Hamburgers with the Perfect Seasoning

When it comes to burger seasonings, the best rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Many outdoor chefs like to load their beef patties with onions, peppers, Worcestershire sauce, seasonings, and even ranch powder. At some point, however, with all of the seasonings, one tends to venture from the world of hamburgers to the world of “grilled, flattened meatballs.” They may be good in their own right, but they have lost their hamburger essence. Quite frankly, a wealth of seasonings is often likely to mask a poorly grilled burger.

Remember that beef has a wonderful flavor of its own, and does not need much seasoning to bring that out. Especially if you have invested extra money in a good beef blend, you don’t want that flavor to be lost in the fray of competing seasonings. The best way to season a hamburger is with salt and pepper on both sides. You can also add a dash or two of Worcestershire sauce while it is grilling to enhance the beefy flavor. This way, you will be able to enjoy the beef flavor like never before. How to Grill Hamburgers

The Right Grill Technique for a Perfect Burger

For a great burger, get the grill to a temperature on the upper end of medium-high. Start with the temperature around 450 – 475. Just before putting the patties on the grill, season them on both sides with salt and pepper. It is important not to let the salted patties sit for very long before putting them on the grill.

Let the burger sit on the grate until it releases easily for flipping. When it releases from the grate with minimal effort, you know you have achieved the right sear on that side. Flip the burger over and let that side obtain the desired sear marks. If your grill is hot enough, you will have a nicely seared, borderline crispy, exterior with a moist, medium doneness on the interior.

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How to Grill Fish

Grilling fish can be an intimidating endeavor. Most fish are delicate and overcook easily, and the harsh conditions of the grill can cause the fish to break up into an inedible mess. However, cooking fish on the grill does not have to be difficult! Just follow these general guidelines for success.

How to Grill Fish: Understanding the Basics

Fish is a delicate meat, and most of the small white fish found at supermarkets are unsuitable for grilling because of their light profile. Because of the relative lack of fat and collagen in their muscles, fish tend to flake apart and overcook easily. For the best fish on the grill, look for a more robust fish such as salmon or tuna. Halibut and sturgeon are also excellent choices, along with mahi mahi, swordfish, and shark. If you are new to grilling fish, you should avoid smaller fish like tilapia and trout because of their tendency to fall apart on the grill grate.

How to Grill Fish: Citrus Salmon

Citrus flavors pair well with the robust flavor profile of salmon. Properly grilled, this recipe produces a rich and tender fillet that flakes apart with just the right amount of moisture. One thing to note about salmon is its place of origin. In the United States, salmon comes either from the Atlantic or North Pacific. Remember that Atlantic salmon is almost always a farmed breed, while pacific salmon is caught wild. Wild salmon generally out-flavors it’s farmed counterpart, so buy pacific salmon when you can.

1) If your salmon is frozen, defrost it in the refrigerator if possible. If you do not have time to defrost the salmon in the refrigerator, place it in a bowl under cold running water. Never defrost salmon in the microwave. This will ruin the fish.

2) Sprinkle a coarse citrus seasoning blend on both sides of the salmon. Wrap loosely in aluminum foil.

3) Grill the salmon on a 350 degree grill for about 20 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

4) Mix some of your citrus seasoning with mayonnaise for an easy dipping sauce that enhances the flavor of the fish. How to Grill Fish

How to Grill Fish: Planked Halibut

Purchase a good set of cedar grilling planks for this recipe. Remember to soak the plank in water before grilling in order to get multiple uses from the plank.

1) Preheat the grill to between 350 and 375; soak an appropriate number of grill planks in water.

2) Season both sides of the halibut fillets with salt and pepper. Lay fresh dill on top of the fish, and then thinly sliced lemon on top of that.

3) Grill the halibut on the planks until it flakes easily with a fork, usually around 15 to 20 minutes.

4) Serve with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

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Bar-B-Q Recipes Grill Beef Grilling Tips Uncategorized

How to Grill Brisket

The brisket is a very large, flavorful, and versatile cut of beef. Its large size combined with a unique blend of fat, collagen, and long muscle fibers make brisket an ideal cut for many dishes.

How to Grill Brisket: Texas Style

The most common method of grilling brisket involves a subtle seasoning profile, if any seasonings are used at all. This method produces what most think of as “Texas style” BBQ brisket. This type of brisket is cooked to the point where the fat and collagen break down completely, leaving nothing but tender meat fiber that pulls apart easily. These meat fibers are either pulled apart by hand or chopped, producing either pulled or chopped brisket barbecue.

How to Grill Brisket: General Considerations

Texas style brisket is a relatively simple affair. The basic recipe and procedure follow. Keep in mind that the recipe here ought to serve only as a guideline. Everyone has different tastes and preferences. A large piece of meat like brisket is very forgiving and will likely turn out very tasty no matter how you may botch up the recipe. So rest easy knowing that though you may venture far and wide with your seasoning blend, you are almost guaranteed a delicious result. The only way you could mess up a smoked brisket is by not cooking it at all. With that in mind, experiment away. How to grill brisket

How to Grill Brisket: Procedure

1) Assemble a basic BBQ meat rub for your brisket. About half of this rub ought to be kosher salt, with another quarter of the rub being brown sugar. From there, typically you would use around 10% to 15% chili powder, or other generally spicy seasoning. The rest can be a mix of aromatic seasonings, the most dominant being onion and garlic powder.

2) Apply your rub generously to the entire exterior of your brisket. Massage the rub into the meat with a firm hand; you want to get as much flavor into the meat as possible.

3) Tightly wrap the brisket in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, or for up to 3 days. In general, the longer your brisket has to absorb the seasoning flavors, the better. This is known as a dry brine.

4) 8 to 12 hours before you plan to eat your brisket, light a fire in the smoker and stabilize the temperature around 200-225 degrees Fahrenheit. Lay in a few chunks of hickory or mesquite wood for smoke flavor and wait until they begin producing strong smoke before you lay on the brisket.

5) Smoke the brisket at 200 – 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 – 12 hours, until the internal temperature reaches at least 195 degrees.

6) Remove the brisket from the grill and pull it apart for sandwiches or other serving styles. Brush on sauce as desired and enjoy!

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Bar-B-Q Recipes

Tuna on the Grill

Tuna is a robust meat, perfect for grilling and bringing great flavor to your table. As would be expected from any seafood, tuna is much different from “turf” meats such as beef and pork. Follow these guidelines to ensure your tuna turns out right.

Understanding your meat

When we hear the word “tuna” many of us think about the white or gray meat that comes in a can that served us well as a hockey puck when we were young. While it has provided many hours of fun for the active body and imagination, canned tuna gives a poor impression of the meat: dry, crumbly, packed in grainy water, and only edible when mixed with other foods. This canned tuna gains such a flavor and texture profile because of the high temperatures required by the canning process. If your only exposure to tuna is in its canned form, now is the time to try a tuna steak. Fresh tuna is nothing like its canned counterpart. When properly cooked, it is moist and flavorful. It pairs well with mild citrus flavors, but can easily stand on its own, seasoned with nothing but salt and pepper.

Tuna on the Grill

Ensuring your Tuna on the Grill is successful


Tuna is a more delicate meat than beef or pork. Compared to most other fish, however, tuna is a very robust meat. If you have never grilled seafood before, be aware that fish cooks much faster and dries out more easily than beef or pork. Tuna is best grilled over high heat for a short amount of time. This achieves a good sear on the outside, but leaves the inside of the tuna steak moist and rare. For best results, ensure that your grill is burning hot and even. You should be able to hold your hand an inch above the grate for about 1 second before snapping it away from the heat. For a simple tuna steak, brush the tuna on all sides with good olive oil before sprinkling with salt and pepper. Place the tuna on the grill immediately and flip the steak once, when the first side takes on a good color. Keep in mind that you are grilling the steak to color the exterior and set the seasonings. The goal is to refrain from cooking the steak through.

Flavor Combinations for Tuna on the Grill

The method above is a simple but elegant way to grill tuna. Many variations exist. Because it is a lighter meat, tuna cannot stand up to heavy BBQ sauces or robust rub mixes. The fish is best adorned with simple citrus flavors that brighten the flavor and keep from overpowering the meat.

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Bar-B-Q Recipes

Lamb on the Grill

Lamb has experienced a surge of popularity in the past few years among home chefs. This fine and delicate meat is typically imported and relatively expensive, so if you are preparing for a grilled lamb dinner, you want to get it right. Follow these guidelines for success with your grilled lamb.

General Information About Lamb on the Grill

Many remember a not-so-distant past when lamb was a common occurrence on the family table. Several decades later, the evolution of industrial food has convinced us that every meal ought to have a large chunk of meat at its center. Beef and pork are ideal for this meal style, with their large muscles and forgiving meat to fat ratio. It is helpful that beef and pork come from large animals that can be raised on a diet consisting almost entirely of corn based products. Lamb began to lose popularity because the meat is leaner and easier to overcook, and a single animal does not produce the volume of meat offered by cows or pigs. As a result, cows and pigs began to replace sheep on American farms, relegating lamb to only the finest menus – and budgets.

With the recent renewed interest in healthy eating and sustainable farming, there is a corresponding renewed interest in lamb as a part of the regular meal. Many are realizing that one does not need twelve to sixteen ounces of meat in an evening meal to gain satisfaction. Now a four to six ounce lamb chop is plenty when accompanied with a variety of other side dishes. The smaller meat size also helps with the budgetary concerns of putting lamb on the table.Lamb on the Grill

Best Grilling Practices for Lamb

Lamb is a delicate meat. A novice outdoor chef will quickly realize that this meat must be treated differently from beef. Because it is a leaner meat, lamb should be cooked over a grill with maximum heat distribution. This means the charcoal ought to be burning evenly. The best way to experience lamb is just the way it is, with minimal flavor added or taken away. This is a premium type of meat that can speak for itself without the help of steak seasoning or fruity sauces.

At least 45 minutes before putting your lamb on the grill, season it with kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Wrap the meat in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator until about 15 minutes before cooking. Stabilize the grill at medium high heat and make sure that it is burning evenly before placing the lamb on your grill. Cook the lamb to medium rare, which will happen relatively quickly.

Final Considerations for Lamb on the Grill

As has been mentioned on this site before, one of the most important steps in grilling is to allow your meat to rest. Lamb is no exception. Be sure to rest your meat for at least 5 minutes before cutting into it. This allows the juices to soak back into the meat fibers, tenderizing and flavoring your meat.

Lamb can be an intimidating meat to grill. It is expensive and people expect a lot of you when you announce that lamb will be the main course for dinner. Remember to keep it simple with minimal seasonings and a quick sear on the grill for an elegant end result.

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BBQ Review

Bubba Keg Grill Reviews

The unique advantages of Bubba Keg grills, with their kamado shape coupled with the strength of steel, are well known. If you’re not familiar with Bubba Kegs, visit our grill brands page to understand more about them.

For the most part, Bubba Keg lives up to the hype. Their advertising is spot on in nearly every area, which is something that can be said for few manufacturers. However, there are a few design flaws worth noting.

Bubba Keg Grill Reviews: Overview

Bubba Keg grills receive much praise from their users. The steel grill is durable, fuel efficient, and well insulated. Because of its durability, the grill is easily transportable and very weather resistant. There is something to be said for a grill company with such a loyal user base. The overwhelming praise from Bubba Keg owners shows that the company is doing a lot of the right things with their grills.Bubba Keg Grill Reviews
The grill is shaped like a Japanese kamado cooker, but has been stylized with the appearance of a beer keg. The low brow looks of the grill stop there, however. The grill is designed to maximize efficiency and minimize moisture loss in food. These two things, the Bubba Keg accomplishes easily; all the while imparting great flavor to the food being grilled.

Bubba Keg Grill Reviews: Pros and Cons

Fortunately, the list of pros from Bubba Keg owners is much longer than the list of cons. The following is a compiled list of the most common pros and cons found in Bubba Keg grill reviews around the internet.


  • The grill shape allows it to be used for high or low temperatures with a remarkable level of stability
  • The grill’s steel construction makes it durable and is easy to transport
  • The grill features an insulated layer to minimize heat loss
  • Because of the easy airflow, the grill is easy to light
  • The grill is easy to turn off by shutting the air vents.


  • The grill top vent is not water proof, which allows rain to get into the grill and can cause mold if the grill is not kept spotlessly clean.
  • The steel grates and cooking utensils can scratch off the enamel coating on the grill interior, allowing the steel underneath to rust.


Overall, the Bubba Keg is a great grill with many advantages. Its steel construction creates a few drawbacks, but these are minor when compared to the advantages of steel. The grill should be cared for properly to ensure water does not damage the interior and care should be exercised when the grate is being moved around.

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Grills by Brand

Bubba Keg Grills

Bubba Keg grills have a unique shape that catches the eye. Maybe you have seen one such grill and wondered if its odd shape is anything more than just a cosmetic novelty. Bubba Keg grills

The shape of the grill is for more than just looks. The shape takes advantage of the unique properties of charcoal to maximize the heat and flavor they produce.

Bubba Keg Grills: Unique Shape, Unique Flavor

Bubba Keg’s grill lineup uses the unique benefits of the kamado grill style to maximize heat distribution and minimize moisture loss in the food. Kamado cookers have been used for centuries in Asia because of their cooking advantages. The shape of the grill creates a natural draft from the bottom of the grill (or “keg”) to the top. This shape draws heat from the flames to the grilling area evenly, which makes the cooking surface heat evenly and helps the fuel to burn evenly. Unlike most kamado grills, however, the Bubba Keg is made of enamel coated steel rather than the traditional clay or ceramic. Because of its steel construction, the Bubba Keg is more mobile than other kamados. The differences between ceramic construction and steel construction are not all advantages, however. Visit our Bubba Keg grill reviews section to see what the consumers say.

Benefits of Stable Heat and Fuel Efficiency

One of the advantages of the kamado shape is its fuel efficiency. Bubba Keg took the kamado’s fuel efficiency to the next level by sandwiching a layer of oven insulation inside the enamel-coated steel grill body. The result is a grill that can be an 800 degree inferno on the inside with very little heat loss on the outside. As a result, a very small amount of charcoal goes a long way in the Bubba Keg. When you are done grilling, just shut all of the air supply doors to snuff out the flame. The grill will be ready to light next time you open the lid.

Bubba Keg Grills: Ready To Go Wherever You Are

Because of its steel construction, a Bubba Keg grill is very portable. Traditional clay or ceramic kamados are easily cracked, especially during transportation. Even a small, sustained vibration if placed properly can break a ceramic cooker in half. This is not a problem with the Bubba Keg. The steel grill is designed with portability in mind and can be hooked up to a trailer hitch for easy transportation to a party or for tailgating.

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BBQ Review Grills by Brand

Brinkmann Grill Reviews

Brinkmann offers a wide range of consumer level grills that are readily available at many big-box brick and mortar retailers. With such wide use, there are a number of reviews to take into consideration.

Brinkmann Grill Reviews: Overview

Overall, for a company that offers a wide range of budget level grills, Brinkmann achieves a predictable level of quality and consumer satisfaction. There are a few patterns that emerge when examining many of their most popular models. One of the most common strengths of the grills is their full range of features. Brinkmann does an excellent job of offering the latest features at entry level prices. Unfortunately, in most cases, the entry level price is indicative of an entry level grill. Lack of durability and low build quality are common complaints.Brinkmann Grill Reviews

Types of Brinkmann Grills

The major grill types are listed here with their most common pros and cons. They have been separated and broken down here because of the differences in complexity and fuel type.
Charcoal grill reviews: The most common praise for the charcoal grills is their cost effectiveness. The grills are at an ideal price point for the casual outdoor cook. In addition to the low price, Brinkmann makes sure that their charcoal grills have plenty of cooking area. Common remarks by reviewers point out the simplicity of the grill’s design, as well as its easy portability and unassuming profile. The overwhelming negative feedback, however, is related to the durability of the grill. Thin metal, flimsy construction, and a finish that easily chips off are the most common complaints.
Gas grill reviews: Brinkmann gas grills have always had a great look in the store. Their modern design and bright colors catch the eye and look very appealing on the patio. One thing that can be said for the grills is that they offer plenty of cooking space. Brinkmann has become very good at maximizing effective grill space. Enhanced features, such as a side burner, secondary grill rack, and optional rotisserie attachments give the grill versatility and allow the outdoor cook to enjoy the latest grill features. However, as with the charcoal grills, Brinkmann gas grills suffer from the same cheap build quality. A common complaint is that the frame will get off center and the doors will not close properly. The grills are also notorious for uneven heating because their burners are made of cheap materials and do not distribute heat very well.

Brinkmann Grill Reviews: Conclusion

At the end of the day, it is undeniable that Brinkmann has gained a place for itself as one of the largest grill manufacturers in the country. While their grills may not be of the highest quality, they are useable and cost effective. For the occasional outdoor cook, a Brinkmann grill will likely suffice for use a few times per season. Over time, it will likely begin to degrade in appearance, but it will still work. For the outdoor chef who envisions using the grill regularly and entertaining at cookouts, most Brinkmann grill reviews agree that the grill is not ideal for such use.

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Grills by Brand

Brinkmann Grills

The Brinkmann corporation is a company that has established a strong presence in the outdoor grilling world. With over 30 years of company history, they have a strong track record of providing quality products and services to the American household.

Brinkmann Grills Focus on the Grilling Experience

Brinkmann’s grill designs have many accessories and convenience features to make the grilling experience as positive as possible. Many outdoor chefs know the great benefits of having plenty of work space on either side of the grill. Brinkmann grills have plenty of preparation space right next to the grill. In addition to the space, Brinkmanns feature racks and hooks for all of the grilling tools that may be needed during the grilling process. Brinkmann anticipates what the outdoor chef needs to pull off the perfect cookout, and has included all of the right features in their grills.

Types of Brinkmann Grills

Check out this Brinkmann Smoke’N Grill Single Charcoal Smoker & Grill! <= Great Grill!

Brinkmann offers a variety of grill types to accommodate every outdoor chef. Whatever fuel or cooking style you prefer, Brinkmann has a grill that will fit.

Brinkmann Grills
Check out this Brinkmann Smoke’N Grill Single Charcoal Smoker & Grill! Great Grill!

Charcoal grills: Brinkmann’s charcoal grills are primarily designed to use charcoal briquettes. Their heavy grade metal construction is the industry standard for durability and heat distribution.

Charcoal Smokers: Brinkmann offers several drum style smokers at an affordable price point for the average outdoor chef. Drum smokers impart their signature smoky flavor by keeping the fire in a separate compartment. Because the flame is removed from the meat compartment, a lower temperature is easier to maintain. These low, stable temperatures are best for ribs and pork shoulder, along with many other meat cuts.

Great price on the =>Brinkmann Smoke’N Grill Single Charcoal Smoker & Grill – 810-2100-0!

Perhaps Brinkmann is most well known for their free standing gas grills. Indeed, these grills are the ones most readily available to the consumer at many large retailers. It could be said that Brinkmann gas grills are the industry standard, balancing quality and cost effectiveness.

Final Analysis

Brinkmann is a large outdoor product company that has built a name for itself as a mass producer of standard quality grills. They

Brinkmann Grillsare the primary brand offered at many big box retailers and as a result, their presence is known on many American patios. Perhaps a significant part of their ubiquity is due to their accessibility and cost effectiveness as “Gifts for Dad.” For the average home cook, a Brinkmann grill may be all that is necessary for the occasional burger or hot dog.

In the area of quality and longevity, however, Brinkmann grills have a somewhat lackluster appeal. The serious outdoor chef may soon realize that a higher quality grill has the heat distribution and weight that he needs.

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Grill Accessories


Grilling stones are important pieces of equipment for any outdoor chef who progresses beyond the novice stage in his grilling. Stoneware allows the chef to use the grill for a host of new applications previously impossible with only the grate.

There is more to successfully using grilling stones than just buying one and tossing it on the grill. A number of features and techniques ought to be considered. Stoneware

Stoneware Types

The pizza stone is perhaps the most popular stone item used for cooking. Pizza stones are ideally suited for the round charcoal grill because of their compatible shape. Many companies now offer square and rectangle cooking stones to accommodate the shapes of a variety of grills. In addition to this, specialized stoneware can now be purchased. Bread pans, pie pans, even muffin pans can be found that are made of stone. Many of these specialized shapes are not useful with the grill. In fact, because of their shape, these specialized stoneware pans do not take advantage of the unique properties of stone as a cooking method.

Stoneware Use

Why use cooking stoneware rather than just placing food on the grill grate? In many situations, cooking your food directly on the grate is the best method. The stone is no place for a steak, chicken breast, or pile of vegetables; these foods benefit from exposure to the flame. However, if some foods were placed on the grate, they would immediately fall through the cracks and meet a fiery end. Anything involving dough, especially, is best cooked on a stone. With the exception of the flatbread style grilled pizza, where the dough is stiff enough to hold its shape without the stone, breads are almost always cooked on the stone.

When selecting your cooking stone, be sure to get one that is thick and heavy. Some stoneware will indicate on the packaging how hot the stone can get without cracking. This is an important factor to consider because some stones cannot withstand exposure to the harsh flame of the grill. If a stone is too weak, it will crack when the cool dough hits the hot surface of the stone. The temperature differential causes stress within the stone, causing a crack that can be explosive.

Stoneware Alternatives

A number of stone alternatives exist. At their core, they do the same thing: store heat and transfer it to your food. Some stoneware alternatives are made of cast iron, they are thick and will not crack under stress. However, cast iron is heavy and tends to be expensive compared to typical cooking stones.

Another stoneware alternative is made of lava rock. The advantage of the lava stone is that it is lightweight and can be seasoned to impart unique flavor to your food. Because of its natural lightweight internal structure, it is less susceptible to cracking. Lava stone also is quite expensive when compared to typical stoneware.

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