BBQ Review Grills by Brand

Using your Traeger Grill

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Have you explored the many uses of traeger grills? Of course you know you can grill out on hot summer nights. But did you realize that you can also bake, smoke, or roast your next meal? Branch out in your cooking ventures by using these great features!

Baking with your Traeger Grill

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With your grill, you can enjoy the flavor from a wood-fired oven without the hassle of constantly feeding a wood stove. All you need to do is select your cooking temperature, put in your cookies, pizza, pie, or casserole, and let the grill do the work! The fan in your grill keeps the temperature even, allowing for perfect cooking of your dish.

Smoking with your Traeger grill

[myebay]traeger grill[/myebay]
What’s your favorite smoked dish? Use your grill to prepare treats for friends and family alike. When they taste your smoked turkey, salmon, or ribs, they’ll be asking for your secret. Add flavor, color, and style to any meal without the usual effort that comes with smoking meat. You’ll serve treats that become the talk of the neighborhood!

Roasting with your Traeger

Gone are the days of working alone in a toasty kitchen! For those who prefer a slow-cooked meal, using your grill is still the way to go. You can enjoy the outdoors while preparing your meal. Roasting your meat keeps it tender and juicy, and you’ll have the added benefit of the delicious wood-cooked flavor. Whether you roast lamb, beef, pork, or chicken, you’ll be a sure success with these tasty dishes.

Traeger grill convenience

You’ll enjoy new freedom as you use your grill! Stop worrying about your cooking and forget the chore of watching for fire-starting drips, blackened meat, or uneven cooking temperatures. Now you can play a game of volleyball, watch the news, or chat with friends while your dinner cooks on its own. Once you set the temperature for your grill, you can count on it to maintain that selection for several hours.

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BBQ Review Grills by Brand

Napoleon Grill Reviews

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Napoleon Gourmet Grill Company is the best-known manufacturer of all types of BBQs and grills still made in North America.  What kind of reviews does the company receive?

Napoleon Grill Reviews – The Company

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Napoleon Gourmet Grill Company is North America’s largest privately owned grill company and many people like the thought of helping the North American economy by buying these grills.  The company has received awards for design and innovation and is noted for producing grills which are crafted from a combination of 304 stainless steel and cast aluminum.  Their 16 gauge steel burners come with a lifetime warranty.

Napoleon Grill Reviews – Types, Features, and Price Range of Grills

[myebay]Napoleon Grill [/myebay]

Grills manufactured by Napoleon come in styles small to super large. Napoleon produces small indoor countertop electric models and outdoor propane family grills, all the way to outdoor natural gas cooking centers with all the bells and whistles (think Food Channel grilling programs.)   For those tailgate parties, RV travel, and summer picnics, Napoleon sells a popular propane-fuelled Travel Q portable bar-b-q.

Because Napoleon grills are crafted with high quality materials the prices on these grills run a little bit more than imported brands.  The indoor electric counter top grills run less than a hundred dollars, and prices go up into the thousands for the deluxe outdoor grilling stations.

The Napoleon Company also sells many helpful accessories for their grills. Favorite accessories include the rotisserie, skewers for kababs, the multi grill basket for fish or vegetables, and a smoker pipe used with wood chips to add that BBQ smoked flavour to food.  Several barbecue models also convert to charcoal-based grills with use of the charcoal tray accessory.

Napoleon Grill Reviews – What people didn’t like

A few consumers were unhappy with the quality of medium-high priced models and cited problems with uneven heat distribution and irregular heat – sometimes hot and the next time only warm.  A few complained of faulty igniters that rapidly used up batteries.  There were several complaints about problems with the infrared feature on some of the higher end grills.  The barbecues which feature 4 rear burners in an M shape caused hot spots for a few reviewers.

Napoleon Grill Reviews – What people liked

The reviews were overall favorable for most features.  Outstanding comments include that the Napoleon BBQs have a stylish appearance and many models feature a space-saving, easy to lift lid.  The medium to large models are produced with thick 304 stainless steel carts and feature a large shelf to work from.  Many reviewers commented that the grills offered even heating with no hot or cold spots. Overall reviewers were pleased with the quality and versatility of Napoleon grills.

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Char Broil Gas Grill Reviews

I wrote these char broil gas grill reviews for you to select the best Char broil grill that’s right for you and your family.

These grills come in dozens of makes and models, and are some of the most popular gas grills available on the market today.

Even though Char broil makes numerous infrared grills, this article will mostly cover gas grills.

Char broil gas grill reviews: 2- burner models

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Char-broil Quick Assembly 2-Burner Model #463742111

This grill is one of their bottom line models of gas grills and can only be bought at Lowe’s. This really is a dual zone 2 burner grill with a regular side burner. Heat output is rather low, with longer preheat times. But this grill is less expensive to purchase, and if you are looking for a fundamental grill, this really is it. $140

Char-broil 2-Burner Gas Grill Model #463621811

This is probably the cheapest of all gas grills on the market, and is accessible only at The Home Depot. This extremely fundamental grill has 2 burners along with a fairly flimsy cooking grate. The body is a light weight shell, and everything else is created of plastic. There is probably only a year or two of life in this model. $70

Char broil gas grill reviews: 3-burner models

[myebay]Char Broil Gas Grill[/myebay]

Char-broil 3-burner Gas Grill Model #463724711

This 3-burner model is available at K-Mart and is on the low end of gas grills. This grill has basic features with 360 square inches of grilling space and 3 10,000 BTU low grade burners. The shell is made with a thin layer of porcelain and is painted black. $120

Char-broil Quantum 3-Burner Model #46325711

This grill is an affordable and descent grill. Built with infrared in mind, it comes having a thin sheet of perforated stainless steel to have the ability to convert from gas to infrared and back again. Though it only has 500 square inches of grilling space and 30,000 BTUs, this baby can reach temperatures of as much as 700 degrees. $320

Char broil gas grill reviews: 4-burner models

Char-broil Commercial Series 4-Burner Model #463244011

This is the basic of their 4-burner models, and is available only at Lowe’s. The heat output is great for this grill and it does cook well. You get 680 inches of total cooking area and this grill puts out 50,000 BTUs. You can expect two to three years of life from this grill. $300

Kenmore 4-Burner Blue Gas Grill Model #464220511

This grill offers 4 primary burners plus a low powered side burner, and offers some great grilling at an affordable cost. You have a lot of heat versatility and 500 inches of grilling space. The grates are porcelain coated cast iron for durabilility. $250

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BBQ Review Grills by Brand

Char Broil Gas Grill Review

As these char broil gas grill reviews will point out, this brand of barbecue grills are top-of-the-line and rank high among customers.

Individuals like the high quality, fantastic functions, and innovative design all come together in 1 grill to really deliver!

Char Broil Gas Grill Review: Pros/Cons

Char broil gas grill review: Pros

Typically constructed out of stainless steel, char broil gas grills are created to be durable and last a long time. Their stainless steel Char Broil Gas Grill Reviewdesign also indicates they are easier to help keep clean and to maintain compared to other bar-b-q grill types. Also, they tend to look more classy than other grills and are known to come loaded with plenty of fantastic features.

Char broil gas grill review: Cons

Because sometimes quality can mean greater pricing, you may run into this with char broil gas grills, but not usually.

Char Broil Gas Grill Evaluation: Analysis

A grill review would hardly be complete without going a little more in depth. The makers of the Char Broil are really among the largest grill manufactures in the world. They’ve been about since 1948 and continue to be in the forefront of the gas grilling business.

Their long history of producing quality goods works to their advantage as they’ve confirmed to be a brand that endures, and a brand that can be trusted. This is precisely why so numerous people opt for a char broil gas grill, because they know that what they’re getting is going to be good – that it’s going to hit the spot!

Needless to say there is a range of lower to greater finish models inside the char broil category, so there will probably be a varying range of offerings and warranties. But either way, these grills seem to consistently hold their own in the grilling business.

Char Broil Gas Grill Evaluation: Where to Buy

The popularity of the char broil gas grill over the years has propelled them to the degree of global availability. Dozens of models are available through many various shops. As this grill review, and numerous others like it, point out – Char Broil must be doing some thing right!

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Coleman Gas Grill Reviews

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Based on my Coleman grill reviews, Coleman’s portable grills are an outstanding choice for those that like camping, tailgating or grilling in the park.

Coleman is really a time-tested and trusted brand that provides a full line of camping gear and accessories, such as grills which are simple to transport and set up just about anyplace.

Coleman Gas Grill Reviews: Pros/Cons

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Coleman’s portable grills function well, are easy to set up, transport, and are an excellent value. A number of different styles are accessible, as well as a line of grilling accessories. Styles include models which are lower towards the ground or on legs for the ideal grilling height. Some models are equipped with burners, while others come with traditional grilling grates. You can even choose between various colors, like black, red, gray or dark blue.


When compared with other heavier, much more stationary grill models, portable grills this are much less likely to hold up as lengthy or offer the long-term consistent performance you might get from other grill types. [myebay]Coleman Gas Grill[/myebay]

Coleman Gas Grill Reviews: Analysis

Overall, the well-liked censuses amongst reviewers and customers appears to be that Coleman is a brand you can trust. Though they do not manufacture weightier much more substantial barbecue grill models like some other companies, the grills they do offer have received consistent three to five begin ratings. Their grills are very easy to put together, and numerous find them the perfect item to take along camping or to tailgating events. Consumers particularly like the versatility of the Coleman portable grills and most would definitely suggest them to a friend. So if you’re looking for a portable grill, than it appears Coleman is really a brand worth your consideration.

You can learn more concerning the differences between the Coleman portable grill models and which one would be the very best one for you by reading additional reviews on-line.

Coleman Gas Grill Reviews: Exactly where to Buy

Ready to purchase a portable Coleman gas grill?

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Weber BBQ Reviews

Weber makes barbeque grills of all types and price ranges, and these Weber grill reviews will help you narrow down the choices for purchasing the grill that is perfect for your backyard cookout.

Weber BBQ Reviews: Gas Grills

Spirit Gas Grills –  There are five models in this line and they range in price from $400 to $699. Weber makes three standard grills in Weber BBQ Reviewsthis series and two stainless premium editions. These grills have stainless steel cooking grates, and come in either two-burner or three-burner models. These grills are basic but do about everything the normal backyard chef needs.

Genesis Gas Grills – This series features eight models ranging price from $850 to $1,100. These are basic stainless steel models, but some come with an enamel body available in alternate colors. They also can have up to 3 burners, and have the ability to sear in the flavor of the grill meat.

Summit Gas Grills – There are eight free standing grills in this series, as well as two insert grills. These models come in either a 4-burner or 6- burner version and range in price from $1,599 to $2,599.

Weber BBQ Reviews: Charcoal Grills

Weber One Touch Silver – This grill set the Weber company in motion. This signature Weber round grill keeps heat centered, and you control the heat through the multiple vents. This charcoal grill can even do some basic meat smoking. This model also offers optional rotisserie kit and ranges in price from $90 to $110.

Weber Performer – This is charcoal grilling at its easiest with the use of a 5 gallon propane tank and burner unit to light the charcoal for you. While maintaining the classic round Weber design, this grill comes in a cart style setup , much like a gas grill and ranges in price from $329 to $388.

Weber One-Touch Platinum – This is definetely a more stylish version of the popular round kettle-style charcoal grill. The cart is more stable and the wheels make it easy to move around. This model also features a roll top lid and two side tables. The Platinum runs for around $300.

Weber BBQ Reviews: Is the Weber right for me?

The Weber full size gas grills are designed to last, and come fully equipped to deliver on quality and durability. Weber’s charcoal grills range in size and capability, making it easy for the novice griller, or more complex for the backyard professional chef. Rugged and easy to use, the Weber grills make any family gathering, company party, or church picnic a huge success!

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Weber Gas Grill Reviews

Weber Gas Grill Reviews consistently award them with four to 5 star ratings. Having a company that is been in business so long as Weber has, is it any wonder they’ve mastered the grill?

From portable propane to full-standing models that provide the works, with regards to Weber, they are leaders in the barbeque grill industry and a name numerous trust.

Weber Gas Grill Reviews: Pros/Cons


Reviews of Weber gas grills indicate that these bar-b-q grills are especially recognized for their durability, dependability, and their Weber Gas Grill reviewsaffordability. Numerous models have been stated to start up rapidly and throw a nice even heat, and that they are easy to clean, and great looking. The portable propane model is particularly good for taking along camping or to a tailgating event.


Though many of the reviews of Weber gas grills indicate these grills are affordable, some disagree. But even those that disagree still say that they’re worth every penny. Other complaints have related to simple fixes like perhaps a knob wearing out, or a grill rack not becoming as adjustable as desired.

Weber Gas Grill Reviews: Analysis

Overall what the hundreds of Weber gas grills reviews seem to highlight most is that Weber gas grill models are a favorite of may. With regards to quality, Weber scores high. With regards to even heating and efficiency satisfaction, they score high there too. And with regards to value, most would agree that a barbecue gas grill manufactured by Weber is definitely worth it.

Weber Gas Grill Reviews: Where to Buy

Simply because Weber has been in business for so many years, they’ve had a great deal of time to expand. Currently they’re selling their grills and grilling accessories in more than 30 different countries worldwide. But to take a look at and purchase a Weber gas grill for yourself, you don’t even need to get out of your chair, all you have to do is appear and order via an online seller like Amazon, or perhaps a dozen other locations.

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BBQ Review Grill Types

Gas Grill Reviews

Grill reviews can provide you with the inside scoop on why they’re such a hot item. And with regards to grilling, you would like a grill that is hot, right?

So what makes barbecue gas grills rank amongst the hottest – as in, the ones which will throw the most heat and give you the best performance?

Gas Grill Reviews: Pros/Cons

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As numerous grill reviews indicate, they provide the kind of temperature control that puts you in charge, as well as the possible for faster cooking and moister meat. Gas grills also tend to be much more environmentally secure than charcoal kind models, and numerous come with a long list of really cool features.


Maybe ones of the most persistant cons to a bar-b-q gas grill is the restricted flavoring. A lot of people like a more “smoked” flavoring that other types of grills may offer. Also, because gas fuel can get hot very quickly, cooking much more delicate pieces of meat or food can get a little tricky.

[myebay]Gas Grill[/myebay]

Gas Grill Reviews: Analysis

There are a lot of gas grills in the marketplace nowadays, numerous of which are receiving consistent four to 5 star ratings. Numerous people appear to perfer gas grills simply because of their consistent performance, unique style features, and their ability to throw a truly hot flame. As you wade via the sea of grill reviews available you’ll discover common themes and factors why barbeque gas grills are so well-liked, all of which point to a few of the things that have already been highlighted here.

Gas Grill Reviews: Exactly where to Buy

If you are seeking to purchase a gas grill, there are certainly no shortage of choices accessible to you. Numerous of the preferred locations to purchase from include popular sites like and HomeDepot. An easy way to select the best one for you would be to shop having a list of features you are searching for in mind. A few of the most trust brands consist of large names like Weber, Ducane, Broilmaster, George Foreman, Charbroil, Coleman, Napoleon, and Master Forge. Regardless of which gas grill you select, chances are about as high as the heat they create, that you’re going to love what it can do.

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BBQ Review Grill Types

Gas Grill Reviews 2011

This is an updated gas grill reviews 2011 to help you and your family pick out the good, the bad, and the ugly in gas grills.

This article will cover reviews of current models and brands to assist you make the proper decision to obtain the very best gas grill for your BBQ budget!

Gas Grill Reviews 2011: Weber

Weber Spirit Gas Grills- The present line of these grills consists of five models that range in price from $500 to $700. In the finish of the season you are able to discover them on sale for in between $400 to $600 depending on the make and model. These grills have either a 2 or 3 burner configuration, and also the premium grills feature stainless steel cooking rods and body parts.
Weber Genesis Gas Grills- This line includes 8 models that range from $850-$1,110. These grills come in either fundamental stainless steel or the premium models come in 5 colors. The premium models feature a standard side burner under a flush mounted cover.
Weber Summit Gas Grills- This item line has 8 totally free standing models as well as two insert grills, and function a 4 to 6 burner configuration. They range in cost from $1,600 to $2,600. The 6 burner model comes having a very big grilling area to cover all your grilling needs.

Gas grill reviews 2011: Broilmaster

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The Broilmaster line of grills are fantastic for the serious griller. They feature a high degree of control and an adjustable multi-level cooking grate with stainless steel construction. These grills range in price from $800 to $2,000.

Broilmaster Premium Series Gas Grills- Made with high quality construction these grills are effective yet really carry out when it comes to top notch grilling. They come in either propane or natural gas. The stainless steel bowtie burners put out 20,000 BTUs and cover 695 total inches of cooking. $800

Broilmaster Super Premium Gas Grills- These grills are built to last decades like the older grills had been, but are much more stylish and loaded with unique functions. This grill is built like a tank. This grill functions a distinctive shutter system that lets you toggle back and forth in between direct and indirect grilling. The grates can be adjusted to 3 positions for optimum temperature control. $2,100

Gas grill reviews 2011: Charbroil

Charbroil functions everything from little bistro-style patio grills to commercial series grills. Many of their grills feature an infrared method that allows the burners to heat up quicker. These grills range in cost from $200-$700.

Charbroil Patio Bistro Infrared Gas Grill- is little and easy to store, yet provides you enough space to cook for 4. With 13,000 BTUs, this grills infrared technologies will give you a lot of heat from just a little fuel. $190

Charbroil Commercial Series Quantum Urban Grill- uses a thin perforated stainless steel sheet to convert this grill from standard gas to infrared technologies. Little but mighty, this grill can put out a whopping 700 degrees. $370

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BBQ Review Grills by Brand

Master Forge Grill Reviews

When it comes to Master Forge grill reviews it’s clear that Master Forge has hit the jackpot with several of their grill designs.

With consistent 4 to 5 star ratings, they offer a complete line of barbeque grills from portable to full-sized gas models.

Master Forge Grill Reviews: Pros/Cons


Grill reviews give telling insights into what makes these grills so desirable. Across the board, many of the Master Forge barbecue Master Forge Grill Reviewsgrill models receive positive ratings for their high quality construction, smart design, and affordability. Consumers also like how they tend to be easy to assemble, clean, and store.

And with Master Forge, they also offer a whole line of grill accessories designed to protect and furnish your grill so that you will get the most life and use out of it as is possible.


The potential drawbacks to some of the bar-b-q grills by Master Forge include a few complaints about some of their features or lack there of. And there aren’t as many model options available as with some of the other more prominent name brands on the market.

Master Forge Grill Reviews: Analysis

Overall, though they aren’t as well known as some of the other more leading name brands, what the Master Forge grill reviews indicate is that most consumers are more than happy with their bar-b-q Master Forge grill and would recommend them to their friends and neighbors.

As with any grill brand there is always the potential for someone not to be happy with something. But with Master Forge, when it comes to the most important elements like quality, design, ease of use, features, and value, they’ve definitely got it down.

Master Forge Grill Reviews: Where to Buy

Master Forge makes it quick and easy for you to purchase one of their high-quality barbeque grills by ordering directly online from a number of trusted distributors.

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