Bar-B-Q Recipes

Pork on the Grill

When it comes to cooking pork on the grill, the optimal technique and temperature can vary wildly from one cut of meat to another. We have all bitten into a perfectly seared bone-in pork chop only to find a dry, leathery flip flop inside. While at times it can be frustrating for the beginner, pork is one of the most versatile and rewarding meats on the grill.

Basics of Pork on the Grill

Different pork cuts will require different cooking methods. For example, a tenderloin should be treated differently from a shoulder. Unfortunately, pork is not as forgiving as beef when it comes to moisture, so it is very important to know your meat and be prepared to grill it properly.Pork on the Grill
Remember that, in general, the meat you grill is muscle tissue. On a pig, different muscles are used in different ways. Some muscles, such as the shoulder, are used constantly as the pig moves about during its life. Other muscles, such as the tenderloin, are rarely used at all. The more a muscle is used, the more developed the muscle fibers become. Long and strong muscle fibers are naturally tough, but they also retain moisture. Less developed muscles are naturally tender, but they dry out easily because of their lack of collagen.

In general, the more developed a muscle is, the slower it needs to be cooked. A long slow cook allows the collagen in the muscle fibers to break down and lose cohesion. This is where we get pulled pork barbecue. A less worked muscle can be cooked hotter and faster, but extreme care ought to be given when it comes to temperature monitoring.

Flavors for Perfect Pork

Perhaps more than any other meat, pork pairs well with sweet flavors. Citrus, pineapple, blueberry, even maple flavors complement the natural sweetness of the meat. This is not to say that savory flavors do not work well with pork, but sweet flavors tend to have a more pleasing effect on guests.

Two Key Tips for Pork on the Grill

Temperature monitoring is important when grilling any meat, but it is especially important when dealing with pork chops, loin, and tenderloin. Purchase a good leave-in meat thermometer and use it to make sure you don’t overcook your meat. Take your meat off the grill when it is about 5 degrees shy of the target temperature. It will finish coming to temperature during the next most important stage of grilling: resting.

Resting your meat is nearly as important as not overcooking it. The rest allows the tight and strained meat fibers to relax and reabsorb juices. Without a rest, you will have dry meat in a pool of flavorful juice that would otherwise be in the meat.

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Bar-B-Q Recipes Grill Chickens

Chicken on the Grill

Everyone loves grilled chicken. It’s a simple meat that is cheap and forgiving to the beginner chef. Of all meats, chicken is perhaps the best suited for marinades and flavorings. It has little flavor of its own, and easily takes on any flavor the chef chooses to apply.

Basics of Chicken on the Grill 

Grilling chicken is a relatively simple affair. In fact, many outdoor chefs are able to grill a decent piece of chicken their very first time. A common problem, however, is that most do not know how to take their decent chicken to the next level and make it taste truly amazing. In many ways, the properly butchered chicken breast is an ideal cut of meat. It is a whole muscle, very lean, with a muscle fiber structure that retains moisture when cooked properly. The breast accepts marinades and rubs, absorbing their flavoring and color. Nearly any flavor pairs well with chicken, from paprika to pineapple.

Grilled Chicken Recipes

Chicken on the Grill The best recipe for grilled chicken is no recipe at all. This is not to say that you shouldn’t measure your ingredients, or even use recipes as a guide, but strict adherence to a recipe will tend to impede your success as a chef. The best way to procure delicious chicken on the grill is to begin by deciding what flavor and texture you want. Remember that the best meals have a variety of complementary flavors and textures and plan accordingly.

The Secret of Perfect Chicken on the Grill

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when grilling chicken is that you should not overcook it. Overcooking chicken is easy to do. We have all heard about the dangers of undercooked meat and we want to be sure that no bacteria lingers to wreak havoc on our bodies. Chicken does not have to be leathery in order to be safe. The best way to ensure your chicken is not overcooked is to use a good, leave-in meat thermometer. Insert it into the chicken before you begin grilling, and monitor the temperature until it comes within 2 or 3 degrees of the FDA recommended temperature. The chicken will finish coming to the desired temperature as it rests. Resting is the second most important part of grilling chicken. Any whole-muscle meat needs to rest for about 5 minutes per pound after being taken off the grill. This allows the muscle fibers to relax after the strain of the heat, enabling them to reabsorb moisture and distribute heat evenly. If you cut into freshly grilled meat too early, you will have a puddle of juice around a dry chicken breast.

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Grilling Tips

How to Cook Pork Chops on the Grill

Have you ever grilled a pork chop and have dry out by overcooking it on the grill? How to cook delicious pork chops on the grill can be foolproof if you follow these tips.

How to Cook Pork Chops on the Grill: Tips on Buying the Right Cut

Before you do anything else you have to make sure you buy the right cut of meat. The best thickness for pork chops is between 1″ and 1-1/2 “. If the chop is less than one inch and you run the risk of overcooking, burning or drying out the meat. If your pork chops are more than 1-1/2 inches you run the risk of ending up with slightly raw meat. Whether you grill your pork chops without the bone or with the bone in is a matter of personal choice, but it appears that the majority of grilling experts prefer the bone in.

How to Cook Pork Chops on the Grill: Tips on Preparing Your Pork Chops for Grilling

A recurring problem when cooking pork chops on the grill is the meat losing moisture and drying out from cooking. One way to combat this problem is a process called “brining”. Mix up some brine, also known as salt water, with one cup salt for each gallon of water. Soak the pork chops in the solution overnight before cooking.

This will ensure that the pork chops will come out moist and soft every time. Pork chops are so tasty on their own that good old pepper and salt will more than suffice for many people. Of course you can experiment with various marinades and rubs.

How to Cook Pork Chops on the Grill: Tips on Cooking Your Pork Chops on the Grill

First thing is to get that grill as hot as it will go. Then place the chops on the grill and sear them with the lid down. This usually takes one minute per side. Visually it means the meat browns and fat will crisp up. Finish them off 4 minutes per side on a low to medium heat with the lid down.

Your pork chops should be cooked and ready to eat except for one more important step than many people over look when grilling chops. You must allow them to rest for a while, at least ten minutes. By allowing your pork chops to rest, it allows them to begin cooling off. When the chop begin to cool the moisture gets drawn back into the center of the meat making the chops thick and juicy, just the way you want them.  Hope you’ve learned how to cook delicious pork chops on the grill!

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Grill Types

BBQ Tips

Need BBQ tips? It seems like every cookout is the same old burgers and dogs. Check out these great tips BBQ Tips.

The BBQ menu can include so much more than the usual lame burgers and dogs. Would you like to fire up your gathering with some mouthwatering morsels? The grilling tips below will surely spark up your taste buds.

We live in a society that encourages us to “think outside the box.” So go ahead and check out some of these grilling tips to make your next grilling experience all the rage.BBQ Tips

BBQ Tips: Simple methods

  • How to Grill Asparagus. Grilling asparagus not only enhances the flavor but also preserves its nutritional value. Learn this bbq tip now.
  • How to Grill Baby Back Ribs. Whether you are using charcoal or gas, the key to mouthwatering ribs is to keep water between the flames and the meat.
  • How to Grill Brisket. The secret to good brisket is a good cut of meat, and cooking the meat slowly is key.
  • How to Grill Chicken. Chicken is tricky, but slow and easy wins the day.
  • How to Grill Chicken Wings. Chicken wings are a party favorite. Cooking slowly on both sides and applying sauces after they are done will ensure flavorful and moist wings. This isn’t the only bbq tip we’ve got!
  • How to Grill Corn on the Cob. Butter, season, and wrap in foil for great corn on the cob.
  • How to Grill Fish. The secret to great grilled fish is to seal in the juices by searing.
  • How to Grill Hamburgers. Cooking over a medium heat will allow the meat to cook through without burning.
  • How to Grill Hot Dogs. Hot dogs are the easiest and fastest thing to grill; the key is to turn them several times.

Learn more bbq tips here…

  • How to Grill Lamb. Though more expensive, lamb chops are easy to cook on the grill.
  • How to Grill Lobster. Impress your friends and family with grilled lobster—yes, the whole lobster; it’s not as hard as it seems.
  • How to Grill Oysters. The best way to grill oysters is to make sure they are alive to start and then keep them on their curved halves to keep the juices in.
  • How to Grill Pork Chops. The key to great chops is a 6-hour marinade before cooking.
  • How to Grill Potatoes. Potatoes are the most versatile and the most forgiving for grilling.
  • How to Grill Ribs. To avoid drying, cook ribs at a medium temperature over indirect heat.
  • How to Grill Sausages. Grill up perfect sausages on a low flame for a longer period of time.
  • How to Grill Shrimp. Shrimp kabobs make any occasion festive; just don’t burn up the skewers.
  • How to Grill Steak. For out of this world steaks, grill them from room temperature and don’t handle them too much.
  • How to Grill Turkey. Though a little more complicated, a grilled turkey will make your festive occasions even more festive.

BBQ Tips Conclusion

Whether it’s shrimp or steak, potatoes or oysters, click above to check out our great BBQ Tips and grilling tips and impress your guests!

Read more for great tips!

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