Grilling Tips

How to Grill Corn on the Cob without Husks

Have you ever wondered how to grill corn on the cob without the husk? The fact is that sometimes, for whatever reason, the husks are just not available.

Fortunately, corn cobs can be cooked on the grill quite effectively even if you don’t have any husks in which to wrap them.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob without Husks: Wrapping the Cob

Since you don’t have husks to wrap the cobs, the next best thing to use is aluminum foil. Break each cob in half then cut rectangular how to grill corn on the cob without huskspieces of foil in which to wrap them.

Those who have learned how to grill corn on the cob without the husk find it helpful to insert a skewer into each half cob before cooking. This should give you a sufficient handle for holding and transporting the cobs to and from the grill.

Grilling Corn without Husks: Seasoning the Cob

Butter and salt are by far the most common ingredients used to season corn on the cob. You should apply these to the corn before wrapping up the cob in aluminum foil. After adding the butter and seasonings, the cobs should be ready for the grill.

Some people who are familiar with how to grill corn on the cob without the husks prefer to get creative with their seasonings. Instead of butter and salt they use things like olive oil, black pepper, chopped onion, minced onion, or garlic powder. Go ahead and get creative with new combination of seasonings.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob without Husks: Cooking the Cob

If your grill has a top rack that is the best place to put the corn. Even if your grill doesn’t have a top grate, you can still locate the cobs to the extremities of the grill so as to prevent them from either cooking too fast or over cooking.

Cooking cobs of corn on the grill needs to be done very slowly. Plan to turn the cobs regularly, probably every 3-5 minutes, so that they don’t end up scorched on any particular side.

You can test the corn before removing it from the grill to see if it has finished cooking. Unwrap one of the cobs, being careful not to burn yourself, and poke the kernels with your finger. If they are soft to the touch then the corn is done.

With the help of these simple suggestions, figuring out how to grill corn on the cob without the husk can be a cinch.

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Grilling Tips

How to Grill Corn on the Cob in Foil

If you aren’t sure how to grill corn on the cob with foil, take a few seconds and check out these helpful hints. You probably don’t realize how easy it is.

By paying attention to these couple of tips, you can make your guests mouth water at the sight, smell, and taste of grilled corn on the cob.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob in Foil: Wrapping the Cobs

How to Grill Corn on the Cob in Foil  Before putting the cobs in aluminum foil it is always necessary to soak or boil them in water ahead of time. Otherwise, you will end up with dried and hardened kernels that will turn your stomach rather than make your mouth water.

Most people who know anything about how to grill corn on the cob with foil prefer to apply butter and seasonings both before and after grilling. Once the corn is buttered and seasoned, it should be wrapped completely in aluminum foil. If the entire cob is not thoroughly enclosed in the foil then it will not steam on the grill as intended.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob in Foil: Placement on the Grill

You need to be particular about where on the grill you choose to place your cobs. If your grill has a top rack, you definitely want to put them up there. If not, just do your best to keep them off to the sides of the grate away from the more intense heat in the middle.

Rotate the cobs frequently so they don’t get too well done on one side. Also, try to be aware of which parts of the grill are hottest and move the cobs around so that they cook evenly.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob in Foil: Seasonings for Taste

Once the corn comes off the grill give it a fresh coat of butter and shower it with a seasoning ingredient of your choice. Nothing beats a fresh cob of corn hot off the grill dripping with butter.

Butter and salt are the traditional ingredients used to season corn on the cob. However, you should not feel constrained to use them exclusively. Go out on a limb and try some new spices for a change. For instance, consider sprinkling garlic salt or oregano over the freshly buttered kernels. Also keep in mind that olive oil offers a healthy substitute for butter.

Now that you have some pointers about how to grill corn on the cob with foil, there is no excuse for not giving it a try.

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BBQ Tips

Need BBQ tips? It seems like every cookout is the same old burgers and dogs. Check out these great tips BBQ Tips.

The BBQ menu can include so much more than the usual lame burgers and dogs. Would you like to fire up your gathering with some mouthwatering morsels? The grilling tips below will surely spark up your taste buds.

We live in a society that encourages us to “think outside the box.” So go ahead and check out some of these grilling tips to make your next grilling experience all the rage.BBQ Tips

BBQ Tips: Simple methods

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BBQ Tips Conclusion

Whether it’s shrimp or steak, potatoes or oysters, click above to check out our great BBQ Tips and grilling tips and impress your guests!

Read more for great tips!

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