Grilling Tips

How to Grill Chicken on the Stove

If you know how to grill chicken on the stove, you can bring that outdoor goodness right into your kitchen. All you need is the right equipment and the right techniques.

Here are some tips to help with grilling chicken on the stove.

How to Grill Chicken on the Stove: Start with a Cast Iron Grill Pan

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Indoor grilling is a convenient and healthy way to cook while bringing out the fun and flavors of outdoor grilling. A grill pan, sometimes called a riffle pan, can convert any stove top into a grill. Get a good heavy cast iron grill pan that is already seasoned so it will not stick. These pans are cheap, easy to clean, easy to maintain, last a lifetime and it can be put right into the oven.

How to Grill Chicken on the Stove:Start with Good Ingredients

Do not compromise on the quality of the chicken. Get the best you can afford. Organically raised chickens are the best in both taste and healthy eating, but they are expensive. So called “all natural” is still quite good and a little cheaper. You should try, at the very least, to get free-range quality chicken.

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If you have to settle for grocery store off the shelf chicken, search out the brand that injects the least amount water and other chemicals into the bird. You many also want to invest in a instant-read meat thermometer. With chicken, you have very little room between under cooked, with unpleasant thoughts of salmonella, and overcooked, with the meat having the dry, hard texture of footwear.
The thermometer helps you find that narrow range of tasty juiciness that eludes so many cooks while giving piece of mind that the chicken is cooked thoroughly. Your indoor grilled chicken will be be guaranteed done at 165°F.

How to Grill Chicken on the Stove: Grilling it Right

For perfectly grilled chicken every time use the following tips. Turn up the burner to high with the grill pan on top of your stove. You can heat it up until you have to turn on the exhaust fan because the pan is smoking a bit. Coat the chicken in olive oil and coat it with your favorite seasoning.

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Put the chicken in the hot pan for one and half minutes per side so it is seared with distinct grill marks. Then turn the heat down to medium (375°F) and continue cooking. Usually it will be about five minutes per side, but be careful not to over cook. This is when the thermometer comes in handy and you can start checking for done chicken.
After the chicken is finished, take it out of the  grill pan and let it set a while before serving. Cooling a little lets the juices flow back to the center of the meat, insuring it is soft and moist. You can serve it up and show everyone you know how to grill chicken on the stove.

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Grilling Tips

How to Grill Chicken on a Gas Grill

Most people think they know how to grill chicken – just throw the chicken on the grill until it is cooked and dried out. Here are some tips to keep that chicken moist, juicy and tasty.

Grilling chicken thighs on gas grill (or wings, etc.) is a traditional bbq favorite. With a little patience and care, chicken cooked over a gas grill can be a very special all season treat.

How to Grill Chicken on a Gas Grill: Be Kind to Your Bird

Though chicken is one of the popular meats for grilling and bbq, it is also one of the most abused. Fear of under cooking drives many cooks to grill chicken into shoe leather. Plus, chicken dries out faster than most meats. Salmonella is a real concern, but it is not a good reason to turn chicken parts into hockey pucks.

You can be perfectly safe while leaving all those wonderful juices and flavors in the meat. A meat thermometer is a good inexpensive investment. When that chicken reaches 165°F you can rest assured the meat is cooked with the juices still flowing. With no thermometer, there is always the temptation to over cook for safety’s sake. We all want to be safe, but we do not have to destroy dinner to do it.

How to Grill Chicken on a Gas Grill: Some Certain Steps

Wash the chicken thoroughly. Cover the bird with your choice of spices. Be sure not to miss any parts. Heat the grill to about 240° and coat it with oil. Place the chicken on the grill, close the lid and turn it about every ten minutes. After 30 minutes start checking the thermometer. The chicken is done when the inside reaches 165°F. At this point, the outside of the chicken will be golden brown.

How to Grill Chicken on a Gas Grill: Tips on Indirect Cooking

This can be done on any gas grill with multiple burners. Turn the burners up high and run for a few minutes until everything is hot. Turn a burner all way down and place the chicken over the turned off burner. Close the lid and let the grill do its thing. This method is a little slower, it takes about ten minutes longer, but you are less likely to accidentally over cook the chicken.

When grilling with gas, you have the luxury of greater control over the heat when compared to other types of grills. This is very helpful when you are cooking sensitive meat like chicken.

Here one final, but very important tip. When your chicken is done cooking, take it off the grill, put it on a serving dish and let it set for at least ten minutes before cutting it up. Cooling draws the juices back to the center of the chicken.

If you fail to let it sit, the meat in the center will be dry and hard. To be able to treat your family and friends to some great juicy chicken, you will need to know the best way to grill chicken.

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Grilling Tips

How to Grill Chicken in the Oven

Do you know how to grill chicken in the oven that rivals what you can on your outdoor grill? Here are some tips if you have to make grilled chicken in the oven.

If your gas grill or your charcoal grill are not available, ou can still get those dark grill marks and smoky flavors in your chicken, while keeping it plump and juicy. Learn to bbq chicken in the oven.

How to Grill Chicken in the Oven: The Key to Success

To do it right, you need something that gets much hotter than those counter top grilling machines. The grilling machines might cook the meat, but you are never going to get that grilled look and the flavors that comes from searing the meat properly over high heat.

What you need to do is go out and get a good, heavy cast iron grill pan. It is best to get it pre-seasoned so it will not stick. These pans are cheap, easy to clean, easy to maintain and, very important, it can be put right into the oven.

How to Grill Chicken in the Oven: Buying the Right Stuff

Get the best chicken you can afford. Organically raised chickens taste the best and their meat is the healthiest. Unfortunately, organically raised chickens are out of range for many peoples’ budgets. The next best is “all natural” and, if you cannot get that, free-range is good. If you must buy chicken off the shelf, get the brand that injects the least water and other stuff into the bird.

If you do not already have one, get an instant read thermometer. These are great for indoor (and outdoor) grilling, especially when grilling pieces of meat that are too small for a conventional meat thermometer. It also gives peace of mind for grilled meats that absolutely MUST be cooked thoroughly like pork and poultry. Your indoor grilled chicken will be be done at 165°F (if it is different, ignore the suggested temperature on the thermometer – chicken is done at 165°F).

How to Grill Chicken in the Oven: Cooking Your Chicken

Follow the basic tips here and you should have perfect grilled chicken every time. Heat the oven to 375°F and heat the grill pan on the top of the stove on high heat until it is smoking hot (you might turn on your exhaust fan).

Coat your chicken pieces with olive oil. Apply salt and black pepper or season the chicken with your favorite spices or rubs. Put your chicken on the grill for 90 seconds per side. Do not overcook.

Do not move the chicken around in the pan so you have those nice grill marks. Finish it up by putting the pan in the oven for 8 to 10 minute or 165°F on the thermometer. Take the chicken out of the pan so it doesn’t overcook. Set the chicken aside for a few minutes to allow the juices to be drawn back to the center of the pieces. When you know how to grill chicken in the oven, you can make any meal special. Now, go and tell others how to make grilled chicken in the oven!

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